Website EditorCompany name> Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement(Cirad)
Registered office address> 42 rue Scheffer 75116 Paris
RCS (Registry of Trade and Companies) number > 331 596 270 RCS PARIS
SIREN number> 331 596 270
Amount of capital> Annual budget of 200 million euros in 2014 (see activity report 2014)
Tel. +33 1 53 70 20 00
Name of the publication DirectorElisabeth Claverie de Saint-Martin, Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer
Avenue Agropolis
34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
Name of the web providerThe IT resources allowing the implementation of the website are hosted by Talentsoft services provider.
35 ter avenue André Morizet
92100 Boulogne Billancourt
Stock capital › 220 000 euros
R.C.S NANTERRE › 438 967 507 00015
NAF code› 5829 A
Physical location of the website hosting › 35, rue de la Motte 93308 Aubervilliers
CreditsHead of Processing, Human Resources Department
The information collected is the subject of an IT processing intended to constitute the file of recruitment of the candidates.
The recipients of the data are: CIRAD HRD, line managers, assistants, members of the jury
Your personal information is kept during a duration which will not exceed 24 months.
During this period, Cirad sets up the organizational, software, legal, technical and physical ways capable of insuring the confidentiality and the security of your personal data, so as to prevent their damage, disappearance or access by thirds unauthorized.
However, the collected data can possibly be communicated to subcontractors or partners loaded contractually with the execution of the tasks necessary for the smooth running of the site and its services as well as for the good management of the relation with you, without you need to give your authorization.
It is specified that, within the framework of the execution of their services, the subcontractors have an access limited to your data and have a contractual obligation to use them in accordance with the capacities of the applicable legislation regarding data protection personal.
Except the cases expressed above, the CIRAD makes a commitment not to give up or to give access to thirds in your data without your preliminary consent, unless being forced to it because of a justifiable motive.
All rights reserved, in France and abroad. All photos published on this site are the property of CIRAD or are used with the agreement of their authors within the strict framework of the CIRAD website. For photos, contact the Cirad photo library: